What Needs To Happen: The Incredibles 2

Before we start, three years from now this film will be released. With Finding Dory hitting theaters let us turn our attention to the Pixar film everyone wants sooner than later and that is The Incredibles 2. Yes The Incredibles 2 is the most demanded film from Pixar that fans actually want a sequel to. Lists of what they want to see in the upcoming sequel are spewing out left and right so I thought I'd join in and list the top five things that I'd want to see in the film. Yes welcome to a new series I didn't mention before where I give my top five ideas for a sequel and feel free to create your own list and share it in the comments. In order to make this list I re-watched The Incredibles, albeit in commentary which actually provided insight on the film, so I have a fresh memory of the film with some added info. Let's begin.

1. Stay Relevant

Back in 2004, there was only one other major superhero film that came out and that was Spider-Man 2 so Incredibles didn't have much competition back then. In 2019, believe it or not, there will be currently six superhero films coming out including Incredibles 2. That includes MCU films, the DCEU, and the X-Men films. Although, if the current predicament of the DCEU films and the X-Men films continue all the way to 2019, The Incredibles 2 shouldn't have much to worry about there. But even then there will be many other animated films coming. Animation studios are popping up like crazy and some strong contenders are emerging such as Illumination Studios, whose recent film Minions made a billion dollars at the BO. Brad Bird himself has never commented on the subject of the ever populating superhero and animated films, but it's very likely that he knows and surely will come up with some cool tricks in order to stay relevant and not have his film be a total push over. That means great action sequences. Part of the success from the first film was its action sequences, which still hold to this day. Brad Bird says it's the family dynamic that interests him about The Incredibles and I agree with him, but let's have exciting action there too that way it's not just a family comedy. So The Incredibles 2 biggest threat is making sure it stays relevant 15 years after the first films debut and that's why it's number one on this list.

2. Continue Superhero Versus Government Conflict

In the beginning of the original film, the Government activated an initiative that banned heroes from helping society because the supers made too much damage. At the end of the original, supers came back to defeat Syndrome and his Omnidroid. Even though people cheered at their victory, is the Government as cheerful about their return? Are supers still outlawed? Will they continue to resist the Government's attempts at hiding them away. Maybe they'll be a corporation that decides to help them out. Maybe they are more supers, not just the Parr's and Frozone, that want to help and benefit society once again. This would be interesting to explore, but that's only if there's no time jump.

3. No Time Jump

Granted, when The Incredibles 2 is released it would have been nearly 15 years since the original film. Audiences that saw the first film in theaters will be that much older and while a lot of people want to see the Parr's older, I want to see them be the same age as when we left them. Here's why. Part of what separated and continues to separate The Incredibles from other superhero flicks is the family drama. The original film centered on this family that all had individual problems and how they came together to defeat the villain. The first film just scratched the surface on the drama that could take place within the family. If a time jump would happen, those interesting aspects would not be as good if the kids are older.

4. Don't Resurrect Syndrome

Early rumors of the films plot involves Jack-Jack going evil and the culprit of influence is Syndrome. No, just no. Syndrome was a worthy opponent in the first film, but let's have him stay dead. I liked the idea of Syndrome being undone by the thing that makes heroes and villains rethink their decision to have capes be a part of their costume. If they're invincible and say a hero gets caught in a plane engine then the casualties are dead people and a pay check for that plane. Not to mention the dozens of lawsuits against that hero, which actually was the reason for supers going into hiding in the first film. I am off topic here. I'm fine with Jack-Jack potentially go to the dark side, that's a little in-house joke, but should that be done, I don't want Brad Bird and company come up with some explanation that would explain how Syndrome survived being shredded.

5. More Frozone and Edna Mode

Easily the standouts of the original were Samuel L Jackson's Frozone and surprisingly it was Brad Bird who voiced Edna Mode. Both of these characters were underutilized a tad bit in the original and as much as we all wanted a return with the Parr family we equally want to see more Frozone and Edna Mode featured more in the sequel. I bet Samuel L Jackson would love to return to one of his first superhero roles before he played the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. The same could be said for Edna, as it will be easy for the director of the film to give voice to the designer who single handedly got rid of capes.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the first episode in a new series here. I have high hopes for this sequel, but even if this isn't a bad film, it still might be good because sometimes a bad movie is better than a boring movie. Anyway, is there anything you want to see get a top five treatment? Comment below any ideas you may have and your opinion on this test run. I may do the same with Cars 3 and Toy Story 4, but those options will be limited a bit. Thanks for reading, I appreciate your time you give in reading my articles.


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