What Needs To Happen: Star Wars Episode VIII

1. Lando Calrissian
I think he should've been in The Force Awakens, but starring in the next film will suffice. With Han Solo gone, let's revisit the other captain of the Millennium Falcon. I sure I'm not alone on this opinion, I know many of you would want him to return as well. I loved him in the original trilogy. He was funny, and I liked his relationship with Han and Chewie. Besides, since Han is gone, how does that affect Lando? Does he help the resistance? Is he an inside man? What is he up to? I would be very interested in what he is doing now. Does he bond with any of the new characters? Probably Poe, one cocky pilot to another. I hope Lucasfilm and Disney make the right decision and bring him back. I know Billy Dee Williams hasn't been officially announced as part of the cast, but I am holding out hope that they will surprise us and that's why it's number one.
2. Showcase Jedi and Sith Powers
So it's very apparent that Rey will be trained by Luke in the Jedi arts and it got me thinking. I started to wonder what exactly Jedi and Sith warriors can do. So I looked it up and I found two videos that explain what Jedi and Sith are capable of. It's very impressive by the way. If you want to see these videos I will put a link in at the end. It was very cool to find that Jedi and Sith can do more than what has been featured in the films so far. I want to see that stuff in these films. Again, check out those videos to know what I'm talking about. I also want to see major light saber battles. Rey may have bested Ben once, but it is very likely that they will clash again in the future, so let's go where no Star Wars films has gone before, sorry wrong franchise, and show out of this world battles. I want to see Luke train in his own way not have him be a discount Yoda, which brings me to the next need.
3. The Similarities End Now!
I believe that people were a bit burned by the slight, to put it bluntly, similarities between The Force Awakens and A New Hope. There is only one thing that Episode VIII can gain by continuing this. The Empire Strikes Back has been called, to date, by many, the best Star Wars film, so if they can somehow reclaim that magic that made that film work. then they have something on their hands. However, people will then just point out the similarities and the film won't succeed as well as they hoped. So, let's create new stories. I want to be waiting for films that will be different and tell new stories and not be total retread of the old trilogy. So no more discount Death Stars, etc.
4. More Screen Time For Old And New Characters
One of the things that made The Force Awakens great, was that it was a welcome back party for old favorites and how it managed to also bring new characters into the mix as well. While new favorites like Rey, Finn, BB-8, and to some extent Kylo Ren were focused on great, I do not think you could say the same for Poe, Maz Kanata, Captain Phasma, and a bit of Kylo Ren was untouched. Old favorites weren't focused on much either like Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Chewbacca was like a special extra at some points. That last one may be defensible as Peter Mayhew has been going through some pains I believe. In the sequel I want to see all these characters more in the spotlight and involved in the story. Captain Phasma was literally thrown into the trash compactor so did she die by being squashed? R2-D2 was powered down until the very end of the film and C-3PO had very little to do with the story only being a Panic-bot. I am not going to go through every character that was not focused on, because I'm sure you can figure out how little these characters weren't a decent part of the story.
5. Define The Bad Guys
Now you don't really need to do this, but have you ever wondered why the bad guys are bad? I know you must be typing in the comments "But Dallin, can't The First Order be evil for the sake of being evil?" I say you can. But ask yourself, is that enough? What is the First Order's motivation? What is Kylo Ren's motivation. What made him leave his parents and go to the Dark Side other being manipulated by Snoke? Which brings us to Snoke. Who is he? Where does he come from? Is he as big as his projection? I'm inclined not think it's the old "Villain is small and likes to be projected huge cliché."
Those are my top five things I would like to happen in Star Wars Episode VIII. What would you like to see in the sequel? Write your own list down in the comments as well as what you would like to see come out of this blog. Here are the links to those two videos I was talking about earlier in need number two.
What Rey And Luke Can Do And Hopefully Will Do In The Future
Star Wars Episode 8 - Rey & Luke Skywalker Jedi Powers - Beyond The Trailer - YouTube
What Kylo Ren Can Do And Hopefully Will Do In The Future
Star Wars Episode 8 - Kylo Ren vs Rey POWERS - Beyond The Trailer - YouTube
Now here is what is coming down the pipeline.
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