
Showing posts from March, 2017

Beauty and the Beast (2017 Film) Review

From Bill Condon, the guy who brought you the last two Twilight films, comes the live-action remake of a Disney animated masterpiece. Was it a good idea? There are a lot of cast members here, so I'll name the main ones off really quick. The 2017 remake stars Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans, Kevin Kline, and Josh Gad. Good thing we start with cast and characters, because there are a lot of them to talk about.

The Lego Batman Movie (2017 Film) Review

After the unexpected success of The Lego Movie, can everything continue to be awesome for Lego movies? There are a lot of characters in this film, but the main characters possess the voice talents of Will Arnett, Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson, and Ralph Fiennes.

Back to the Future: Least Favorite to Awesome

In order to do a ranking, my rule is that a series has to have more than three films to qualify for a ranking so that it has an element of surprise to it. However, I love Back to the Future. It's one of the best trilogies of all time. So I thought I'd give Back to the Future its own ranking. I once again I changed the title. This time, as you can see, it's least favorite to awesome. That's because, in my opinion, there's no worst of the trilogy. Sure, there's a least favorite for me, but definitely no worst. Not for me. Today, I give you my ranking of the Back to the Future films. No need to worry about any spoilers. These three films don't have anything to hide much. The plots are pretty straightforward.

Middle-Earth: Least Favorite to Epic

To me, The Lord of the Rings is one of the few series to crack the book-to-film adaption curse that plaques other adaptions. Though it may take a few liberties with its source material, I find it enjoyable all the same. For some reason, people would liken The Hobbit trilogy to that of the Star Wars Prequels. While I say good comparison for the most part, The Hobbit suffers from different problems than that trilogy, but I still watch it a lot more than I do with the Star Wars Prequels. Because I recently had a marathon of all the extended editions for both The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, I thought I'd come back and re-rank this awesome franchise. Feel free to disagree with my ranking in the comments below, or you may actually agree my ranking. There may be a few SLIGHT SPOILERS here and there, but I don't think you should worry about it. I will bring the extended editions into account when it comes to which place I give each film.