Back to the Future: Least Favorite to Awesome

In order to do a ranking, my rule is that a series has to have more than three films to qualify for a ranking so that it has an element of surprise to it. However, I love Back to the Future. It's one of the best trilogies of all time. So I thought I'd give Back to the Future its own ranking. I once again I changed the title. This time, as you can see, it's least favorite to awesome. That's because, in my opinion, there's no worst of the trilogy. Sure, there's a least favorite for me, but definitely no worst. Not for me. Today, I give you my ranking of the Back to the Future films. No need to worry about any spoilers. These three films don't have anything to hide much. The plots are pretty straightforward.

3. Back to the Future Part II

Great Scott! I'm not sure that I don't like this movie. For the most part, this is a pretty good sequel with an interesting plot, so forgive me, as I have to nitpick in an effort to explain my reasoning for why this would be at the bottom. First off, it's pretty dated. The effects of one and three are pretty solid, because they don't heavily rely on it to the degree that this film does. But for a lot of this film, dated CGI is bliss. The depiction of 2015 dated, to put it bluntly. When they go into the past, it doesn't have that problem, but when you go into the future, things get a little bit complicated. Second, Michael J. Fox is put through an acting overload and it doesn't necessarily work out. For this film, he had a lot of roles to play. He played the Marty who we follow along with, but also, his obnoxious son, Marty as an older man, and his daughter. That's four roles that one guy portrays and when seen today, it's kinda hard to watch. But remember, I'm nitpicking, so to me, it's a minor issue. I guess I could also mention that the twisted, alternate 1985 that, while an interesting addition to the plot, again it's kinda ridiculous at points. But other than that, it's fine. I may have said he had too many roles to play, but I enjoy Michael J. Fox, and Christopher Lloyd as well. They work great together and that's one of the best things about this trilogy. I also applaud the film for correctly guessing, for the most part, what we'd have in 2015. The Cubs didn't win the 2015 World Series, but they won the next year. I'm still waiting for flying cars and hover boards though.

2. Back to the Future Part III

Unlike its predecessor, Part III of this Back to the Future trilogy doesn't look to the future, but rather the past. In an attempt to save Doc from an imminent death in 1885, Marty follows him back to the past to prevent the event from coming to pass, where he, once again, must contend with another member of the Tannen family. As the poster suggests they did save the best adventure for the last. I enjoyed some of the callbacks to the Western genre of filmmaking, where the film borrows heavily from the Clint Eastwood library of Westerns such as, A Fistful of Dollars, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, and more. All films that I haven't seen. In fact, the alias which Marty goes by in the West is Clint Eastwood. The end of this trilogy takes the runner up spot for the not-as-developed romance between Doc and Clara, which could've been axed altogether, but it was okay for a bit of it. The action scenes here were great callbacks to those classic western films that were released back in the day. All plot points are resolved as they should be. The last part of this time-traveling trilogy also maybe, just maybe, sets up the possibility of a fourth adventure.

1. Back to the Future

Without a doubt, this one easily took the number one spot. This film succeeds on every front. Even without the two sequels, it works as a great standalone story. Time travel is one of the trickiest things to do in film. There have been many films to fail with only about one or two to actually succeed. So many things went right and nothing went wrong with this film. Everything doesn't happen because the writers say it happens, the seeds are sown early on to make a cohesive story. The casting is great across the board. Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd have such great chemistry together. The story is very unique. Some parts of it I don't necessarily like, such as the fact that Marty's mom falls in love with her son for a while. That is the only thing I don't like in an otherwise perfect movie. Wrong, an awesome movie, which is what the title of this post suggests. Accompanying the great story and cast, is the spectacular score. Really, it's literally one of the best scores of all time. Alan Silvestri does a stupendous job. Unlike the second film, the effects, in this one don't seem that dated to me. There's not a lot of things that could improved with today's technology, which is why I hope it doesn't get rebooted, because there's not much to redo that would be absolutely necessary. While I can't call it one of my personal favorite films, this is one of the films that are flawless.

So that's my ranking of the Back to the Future trilogy. What's your ranking of the three films? Have you got a separate ranking that's different from mine? If you like, share that seperate ranking down in the comments section below as well as what you'd like to see me rank next. Thanks for reading, I'm the Film Fanatic, bye-bye.


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