
Showing posts from November, 2016

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Spoiler Free and Spoiler Review

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter returns with a spin-off that's a prequel? Hmm, let's hope it doesn't end up like George Lucas's prequels. Welcome on this fine day to Dallin: Film Fanatic as I review Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. As with all my past reviews, this will be both a spoiler free and spoiler review. If you're new here, let me explain how this process works. I will give you my thoughts on the film that have no spoilers in it, but then I will give you a warning before I go in depth on the film as we talk SPOILERS! In the spoiler portion, I'll talk about all the main characters, the magic, the score, and since this film is called Fantastic Beasts, I'll most definitely talk about the beasts in the film, or at least my favorite. I'll also give you a recommendation on whether or not you should see the film and, if so, I'll also give you my opinion on whether or nor you should see it in 3D. I'll try not to be as long as my Doc...

Doctor Strange Spoiler Free and Spoiler Review

Marvel has been known to take gambles. After Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man, Doctor Strange is their next unknown character to translate into film. Starring Benedict Cumberbatch, let's see if this film can be a hit. Yes welcome to my reviews for Doctor Strange. If you're new here, let me tell you how it works. As the title implies, this is both a spoiler free and spoiler review, which means that I will start off with the non-spoiler portion and then give you a warning before we enter spoiler country. But before we get started, I wanted to give you an idea on what I'll do in these two reviews. What I will do in the spoiler free portion is give you an overall idea of the story, how well the characters were and how well the actors did. I'll talk about the action, the score, and give you a recommendation on whether or not you should see this in 3D. Then when it is time to do the spoiler portion, I'll go in depth on what I talked about in the non-spoiler revie...

The Lego Batman Movie Trailer #4 REACTION

So along with the new trailer that was released for Wonder Woman yesterday, Warner Brothers released today a new trailer for The Lego Batman Movie. I think that these two trailers are to coincide with the release of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. They're are most likely to play in front of that film to boost the marketing for those two films. Anyways, I am super excited for this film. The Lego Movie was an unexpected hit back in 2014, and I loved that film when I saw that, and in fact one of my favorite characters from the film was Will Arnett's portrayal of the caped crusader. He was very charismatic and was a nice callback to the '60s Batman, although the difference was that I didn't find Arnett's portrayal the campy, cheesy, and corny way that West portrayed the character. But with this spin off film, the cast got a lot more exciting. Zach Galifianakis's is playing the Joker, Ralph Fiennes as Alfred, Jenny Slate as Harley Quinn, Rosario Dawson is ...

Wonder Woman Official Trailer REACTION

So first there were three of these new posters for the film that were released to coincide with the trailer. The three had Wonder Woman doing different poses with a different word smack on the bottom. One had Power, and another Courage, and Wonder, which as you can see is the one I chose for the picture of this review. I believe you need no explanation of why I chose this one. As for my expectations of what I want to see in this trailer? I want to see more of the plot come into focus. Nothing else other than that. I haven't seen the two recent DCEU films, Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad, so I don't know what is going on in the universe right now. I am familiar with the character and her power set/abilities, but I don't know what kind of story they're going for. It appears that this is set in World War I, but other than that I don't know what else is going on currently in the story and how this is gonna fit into the rest of the universe. I'm excited to see t...

Which Is Better: Tron (1982) Vs Tron Legacy (2010)

One of my goals with this blog is to introduce to my viewers films that maybe you've heard of, but most of the time films that largely you had no idea existed. Films that I think are undercut, because the critical opinion is so negative about the film that it is buried and lost to the general public. Now these are two films that did to some extent well, but I wouldn't be surprised if these are two films that you haven't heard of. I personally am a big fan of these two films, especially the second one. If you haven't seen these two films, watch them. They are worth your time. But if you haven't seen them, than there will be SLIGHT SPOILERS about the two films here. So "CONTINUE AT SPOILER RISK!" This will be a five round battle as most as my feuds go. A different thing I'll be doing is that this particular battle will start with Story first, instead of Cast. It'll go Story, Cast, Effects, Action, and Music. A new thing about the Verses battles is th...