Wonder Woman Official Trailer REACTION

So first there were three of these new posters for the film that were released to coincide with the trailer. The three had Wonder Woman doing different poses with a different word smack on the bottom. One had Power, and another Courage, and Wonder, which as you can see is the one I chose for the picture of this review. I believe you need no explanation of why I chose this one. As for my expectations of what I want to see in this trailer? I want to see more of the plot come into focus. Nothing else other than that. I haven't seen the two recent DCEU films, Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad, so I don't know what is going on in the universe right now. I am familiar with the character and her power set/abilities, but I don't know what kind of story they're going for. It appears that this is set in World War I, but other than that I don't know what else is going on currently in the story and how this is gonna fit into the rest of the universe. I'm excited to see this. Alright, as you can see, here's the trailer below. I was recently taught how to embed a video, so that you can stay on the page right here, instead of having to go to another trailer link. Thanks for that Dad. I went back and did the same to my previous trailer reviews so I'm gonna watch the trailer now, and you can do the same and then read my overall reaction to the trailer.

So funny! That ending was hilarious. Diana in a dress wondering how she could fight in it. That's a classic fish out of water thing that is always hilarious. Although if Diana is Steve's "secretary," then who is the other woman that was talking to her in the end, because at the end of the first trailer, I seem to recall her stating that she was his secretary, so did she get put out of a job? But let's get serious. Overall, that was a great trailer. I really liked it a lot. Also is that tune at the trailer's logo gonna be her theme? If you guys know anything about that, tell me in the comments, but if it has to do with Batman v Superman, don't tell me if it's a major SPOILER. I wonder if this movie is gonna be told in flashbacks. Because in the beginning it sounds like she's gonna be telling the movie by way of flashbacks. I'm not sure how that's gonna work out if they do that, because in movies that had done that before it proved fatal and the films were poorly received. Speaking of reception, will this film save the DCEU? Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad got a 27% and 26% on Rotten Tomatoes respectively. But fans overwhelmingly embraced the two films. In fact, when a terrible score for Suicide Squad was announced, a group of fans started a petition to shut down the critic site. Luckily it didn't work, but will this film please the critics as well as the fans? I would hope so. But one of the great things that came out of Batman v Superman was Wonder Woman, so naturally she'd be the next one to get her own solo film. I'm liking Chris Pine's character. I think he's gonna be great. I hope he turns out that way. I'm also enjoying Wonder Woman in action. We got a glimpse of the Lasso of Truth, which looks great. I hope the filn itself will be Warner Brothers first succuesful DC film since they started this universe. Anyways that's my reaction of the new Wonder Woman trailer. What did you think of it? I'm curious to what you thought of the trailer. Thanks for reading, I'm the film fanatic bye-bye.


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