Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Teaser Trailer REACTION

It has come. The very first full trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. I don't know how this counts as a teaser trailer, because we had the "sneak peek" that came in late October and that was kind of a teaser trailer of a sort. Anyway, this debuted an hour or two before a college football game that was going on Saturday night on ABC or ESPN, when it was supposed to debut during the game and that was great, because I wasn't going to tune in anyway. Here's what I'm hoping to see in this. I'd like to see a bit of what the story is and also more Baby Groot. Maybe a bit of Yondu or Nebula's role in this film. That would be exciting to see. I don't think we'll see Kurt Russell's role though. I think they'll be saving that for the film itself. I also think that this will likely play in front of Rouge One this December. It's apparently rumored that we'll also be getting our first look at Spider-Man's upcoming solo film too so I'll keep an eye out for that. We're talking about Guardians of the Galaxy though, so here's the trailer, you watch it and I'll watch it and then you can read my reaction. I hope it's good. Here we go.

This was so funny. I loved this trailer. We didn't see Yondu or Nebula in it, but I was okay with that, because we got a whole lot of Baby Groot in it. I think that Baby Groot is gonna be really cool in the film. Also, is that Vin Diesel's voice as Groot? Maybe he inhaled some helium and then did the voice. That would be hilarious. But how would he do that kinda voice? Talk about movie magic. Also don't mess with an angry Baby Groot, because apparently, you will have the crap beaten out of you. That was so funny seeing Baby Groot beating up that grown man. It made me laugh. Rocket Raccoon was hilarious too. I loved the tape conversation with him and Star Lord. It's that kinda banter that was one of my favorite things about the first film. Drax is slowly but surely climbing up the most likable Guardian scale. His reaction to that news was my reaction to that. He had great moments in the first film, but he wasn't my favorite Guardian, but now I wonder if he'll move up that scale. We also got our first look at Mantis. She was very interesting. I liked the way she looked. The aliens in both the previous film and this film continues to be impressive. Also yes please. I would love you to do Drax and see what his secrets are. I would also like you to do Groot and see what he's feeling right now, although if she did, it would probably come out with Mantis saying "I am Groot." So that's my review of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. trailer. What did you think of it. Write those thoughts in the comments section below as well as what you'd like to see me do on this blog. Thanks for reading, I'm the film fanatic, bye-bye.


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