Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Spoiler Free Review

Was it a good idea to make another prequel? We'll have to see and find out. Welcome to Dallin: Film Fanatic today as I give you my non-spoiler review of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. I think a majority of you aren't new and know how this whole process works already, but if you are new here, allow me to show you how my reviews work. In this non-spoiler review, I'll briefly go and talk about the actors and their characters and a bit more of other things that I wanted to share. It'll lightly go over a bit of everything. Those who have read my reviews before are probably wondering where the spoiler portion is. The answer to that is that the spoiler portion will be a separate post from each other. I thought it made sense to separate the two for reasons you probably know already. If you don't already know the reasons, I'll explain myself in the spoiler review.  As always, here's the trailer below so that you can know what this film is about if you don't know already. Below the trailer will me my non-spoiler thoughts of the film. After that, those who have already seen the film can go to my spoiler review, which will probably be the post below this. But right now, you're in the non-spoiler version of this film review so let's get to it.

Non-Spoiler Portion

I'm going to make something clear right off the bat. This is not your typical, happy, fairytale-ish Star Wars film like the originals and to some extent the prequels were. This is a much more grounded, realistic, and darker film than usual. It's also very sad. You'll likely cry at some parts of the film. It's that sad. Now you're probably wondering about the continuity for the film. Minus a few cameos from that film, you don't have to worry about the connections to Revenge of the Sith. A few events from that film are mentioned, but other than that, there's nothing that connects Rogue One to that film. However, A New Hope is a heavy influence for this film. You would not believe how much there is. Prepare to have a nostalgia. That said, Rogue One remains as possible its own thing. This is not like The Force Awakens last year where it was A New Hope 2.0. It's does a great job at tying into the events. This film will make you want to watch A New Hope afterwards though. It gave me that feeling. A thing the marketing campaign gets wrong is that it makes it seem like Felicity Jones' character is the lead. That is not the case. This is all about the Rebellion. Yes she may be one of the main characters, but there's a lot more about this film than just her. With that, here are my favorite characters. Alan Tudyk as K-2SO, Donnie Yen' Chirrut Imwe, and of course Darth Vader. If you're going to see this film for Darth Vader, you're going to be disappointed at how much he's in it. I was satisfied though with how much he was in it, so I was okay, but I'm just warning you so that you aren't disappointed. I loved every second he had on screen. He reminded me of why I loved him in the first place. The action sequences in this film are spot on. They are some of the best action sequences in the Star Wars universe ever. Sadly, there's no opening crawl like the rest of the Star Wars films, which is actually expected, because this is not an episode, but I thought the way they did the title was very poor. I thought the planets looked really cool and I loved what Gareth Edwards, who directs this film, brought to the table. He made some very creative decisions with this film while also making sure all the continuity fits. I'd be awesome if he returns as a producer for more of these films.

So that's my non-spoiler portion of the Rogue One review. I hope you like what I had to say about the film. For those that have seen the film, I hope you'll like the spoiler portion. I would like to hear your opinions as to whether splitting the two sections up to their own separate posts was a good idea. Please DO NOT put any spoilers in the comments below. If you want to ask me something that includes spoilers, go to the spoiler review for those kind of comments. Thanks for reading, I'm the film fanatic, bye-bye.


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