Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Sneak Peek REACTION

You know it's fun when Marvel releases a film for two reasons. One, the film itself that is coming out, and two, they always release a new trailer for their next film. Doctor Strange is coming November 4th, so as we get closer and closer to that date, a peak at that next film will get released prior to that, so that they could show said peak, when they do the trailers before the actual movie starts. Marvel's next film after Doctor Strange is Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and I couldn't be more excited. Way to go Marvel, by the way, for surprising me. I knew it was gonna debut sometime this month, although I was under the impression that this was gonna be released today, not yesterday, but the earlier, the better. I'm not gonna complain. I actually couldn't wait to watch this, so everything I've been saying since I started, I have seen the trailer already. Also, I have a mixed reaction to the poster. Why is it black and white and why is Nebula right next to the Guardians? Maybe she joins the team? Also, if you haven't seen him already, Baby Groot is right next to Star Lord's leg. I'm guessing right now that the black and white signals a change of tone, because if you look at the first films poster, it's more colorful, cool, and had that out of the box space opera feeling, which the film was. I look at this poster and it feels dark and dreary, as if the fun and humor seems to  have been sucked out of it. The characters seem to be literally standing around wondering what to do. So I'm going to put down the trailer link below, so you go watch the trailer and comeback when you're finished to see my reaction to the trailer.

SO AWESOME! So good. I liked it a lot. You know that whole dark tone I was talking about earlier? Well there's a hint of it here, but it still has the humor and the jokes. They brought back the popular song from the first film, "Hooked On A Feeling," but I'm hoping that this being called Vol. 2, that there is an Awesome Mix Vol. 2 soundtrack to go with it as well. I know that James Gunn is smart enough to know that though, so I wouldn't worry about that. The team seems to all have jetpacks now, as you can see a bit in the trailer, and the concept art that is on the left. Star Lord must of exchanged his boot jets for a jetpack instead, which is fine, but I hope that he still has those with him. I also hope Marvel doesn't go in that dark tone, because when they've done that in the past with Iron Man 3 and Avengers: Age of Ultron, it didn't turn out well. If I recall, the trailers for those films teased a darker tone, but then in the film itself didn't deliver on that, so I hope Marvel learns from those mistakes and does not try and do that again. Also as featured in both the concept art and the trailer, Baby Groot is adorable. I wonder how Vin Diesel will voice the character now. Will the voice stay the same voice, or will it be baby-ized? Speaking of the cast, some new players are in this. Pom Klementieff has been added and she is playing a character called Mantis, who you can see standing next to Nebula in the bottom left concept art that's here. Major new members are Sylvester Stallone as a Nova Corp member and Kurt Russell as Star Lord's father. I can totally see him as Star Lord's father. They're so alike in that they seem to have almost the exact same personality, so i'm excited to see those interactions. Yondu has gotten a new headpiece, which I'm curious on what that does for him. Anyways, that's my review of the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 trailer. What did you think? What's your takeaway from it? Write those thoughts down in the comments below. I'm the film fanatic, bye-bye.


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