Power Rangers (2017 Movie) Teaser Trailer REACTION

Full confession! I have no idea what the Power Rangers are. Well, I know who they are and what they do and how they get their powers, but beyond that knowledge, this is all foreign territory to me. Which is perfect, because Lionsgate needs fans of the franchise and non-fans to see this film. They're hoping and praying, well they're probably not praying, but they're are desperate with this film. They had Twilight, but that's gone, and Hunger Games is over, and it didn't bow out on the strongest note. Divergent has been downgraded to tv. They're rumors that they will not be making a final film. Not enough people went to see Now You See Me 2, and it flopped critically and financially. So Lionsgate is hoping this is their next big franchise for them. What makes this more risky is that they cast unknowns for the roles of the rangers. The only names I know are Bryan Cranston as the Ranger's mentor named Zordon, and Elizabeth Banks as the film's villain, whose name is Rita Repulsa. From the look of the suits it's very clear that someone stole some Iron Man suits and made them their own suits. So right now I'm gonna watch the trailer and then give you my thoughts. You can watch the trailer too, by clicking or taping on this link.

Okay. First reaction is mixed. I like some of what I see, but what I see is very cliche'd. I mean if Lionsgate's goal is trying to make this as non-cliche'd as possible, they're failing. I mean it checks off every cliche in the book. Misfit school students, check. Mean girls, check. Misfit students find powers by a lucky situation. Every high school, superhero origin story is here. In the teaser no less. Lionsgate needs to have more than what is shown in this to make the film work. It feels very small though. Nothing is as grand as such a blockbuster would be, but maybe that's Lionsgate's strategy, but going down that path is also risky. Also can we mention that creepy and awkward moment when Elizabeth Banks's character is hovering over Kimberly or Trini, whoever it is they look almost the same, in that awkward position. Weird, right. One last thing. Like the teaser it is, it gives us a glimpse of Jason suiting up. What a tease. I would've liked to see all of them fully suit up and doing stuff. I know a great portion of the visual effects are not complete yet, and I know it's a teaser, but c'mon. I guess we'll know what happens on March 24th, 2017. Alright, that's my reaction to the teaser trailer of Power Rangers. What did you think? Did you like the trailer? Are you a Power Rangers fan? I'll research the history of the Power Rangers a bit to give a feel for what the film will be about. Thanks for reading, I'm the film fanatic, bye-bye.


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