Top Ten Harry Potter Spells

There couldn't have been a perfect time to make this post. For two reasons. First is that coming very soon is Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Second. On November 16th, it would have been fifteen years since the Sorcerer's or Philosopher's Stone was released to theaters. Again, perfect timing. How would I celebrate? By listing the top ten spells in the Harry Potter FILM franchise. Not books. They have to have been used in the movies to make this list. Another restriction is that it has to come from a wand to qualify so things like the polyjuice potion don't count as that is a potion and not technically a spell. Also, I will include the moments in which they were used. So with that SPOILERS are ahead.

10. I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good/Mischief Managed
Film Appearances: Prisoner of Azkaban and Onward

This does count as a wand spell as it comes from a persons wand and it technically is a spell so it gets on this list. But it doesn't get higher, because it's not one of the most notable spells in the Harry Potter library, and it's not very effective alone. It's more of an on and off spell. What does it do? Well in Prisoner of Azkaban, Fred and George, the mischievous duo, hands Harry a piece of paper to what he thinks is "rubbish," but he quickly learns that if one uses the spell "I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good," it turns into the Marauder's Map. A map that can show you what people are doing and where they are. It of course can be used for nefarious purposes, in that it can tell you where your enemy is, but luckily for the protagonists, it never happens. To simply deactivate the map say "Mischief Managed." The spell doesn't get higher, because you cannot have one without the other, but it's become one of the more iconic spells there are, and that's why it barely makes this list.

9. Piertotum Locomotor
Film Appearance: Deathly Hallows Part 2

So in this final film, McGonagall brings to life a massive stone army to use against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. The spell. Piertotum Locomotor. Thus bringing the stone soldiers, that have always been there by the way, to life. Why does this make my list? Simple. After using that spell, McGonagall tells Molly Weasley in a very eager tone "I've always wanted to use that spell." I remember seeing this in the theater and laughing out loud when that line was said. It brought comedy to an otherwise serious moment in the film, where the battle was about to commence. It doesn't get higher, because it was used that one time though.

8. Wingardium Leviosa
Film Appearances: Various Moments in the Franchise

A spell that has been here literally since its inception, the spell Wingardium Leviosa is a simple spell that all first years learn. What can it do? Its function is to levitate anything or anyone in the mid air. You then have control on what that thing or person goes. It's not really made for offense or defense, but it can be used in creative ways. Since it was introduced, the spell has been used in sometimes hilarious ways. Like when Hermione and Ron are debating on how to use it, or when Seamus does it and blows himself up, which would start the many times that Seamus has been cursed with everything literally going up in flames for him. It isn't a prominent spell once the newer ones are introduced, but it does get this spot for recognition on showing how magical this franchise could get. So for that, it makes number eight spot.

7. Reducto
Film Appearances: Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, and Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2

This hasn't been used prominently, but for the last few films it was used a lot. What does it do? Well from the name, it sounds like it redirects or deflects something. Well yeah it does redirect something, sort of. To quote from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, "it shall below thy enemies to bits." Anything can be turned to ruble. Whether it's a person, an obstacle, an item, anything. Except the Horcruxes. But you already knew that didn't you. Now where has it been used, and in what situation. Well it made its debut in Goblet of Fire, when he was inside the hedge maze, and thus it was brought on in all future films, except Half-Blood Prince. In Order of the Phoenix it was used by Ginny both in the Room of Requirement, and again in the Ministry Vault when assaulted by Death Eaters. It's not a famous spell by a long shot, and that's why it's seven, but it's one of the most spells used by main characters that it gets on this list.

6. Lumos and or Lumos Maxima
Film Appearances: Prisoner of Azkaban and Onward

Like Wingardium Leviosa, Lumos has been used a lot since it was introduced, but once it was, it just became a secondary spell. Especially since there were items like the Deluminator already around, but it was still used, especially since the Deluminator's one con is that it can't create light, but rather take light from one place, and then can either be put back or stored for a later use. The lumos is practically a wizard's f;ashlight, but a way it can be used offensively is if someone utters Lumos Maxima and it delivers a blinding light that could even effect the user as much as the person it's being used against. I'm sure if someone ever got blind by doing that, there's a spell or potion that gives back the persons sight. The spell can be prominently seen in the opening of Prisoner of Azkaban when Harry is using it to practice and I think accidentally does the Maxima part and alerts his Uncle Vernon.

5. Protego and Protego Maxima
Film Appearances: Order of the Phoenix and Onward

The spell Pretego is the ultimate defensive spell. It acts as a physical shield that could protect anyone for any purpose. It's not a visible shield, but once something or someone comes into contact with it, it is visible. Now what does the Maxima part do? Well the obvious answer is that it produces a bigger shield, but if mixed with other spells such as, Fianto Duri, and Repello Inimicum, it produces one giant super shield. That is the combination of what you saw in Deathly Hallows Part 2, when different wizards and witches form the shield around Hogwarts castle. Now a bonus use of that combination is that if something or someone touches it, that is not allowed to enter or touch, it is automatically disintegrated. So cool. The spell itself is great on its own, which is why it is number five, but if you want the full combination, add those other two spells.

4. Accio
Film Appearances: Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2

This spell is very useful. Got something out of reach and you can't quite get to it now? Utter this spell and have that item come to you. Just say the name of the item and within a few seconds or minutes, depending on how far you are from it, it will arrive to you safely. No strings attached. Another use for that spell is if you don't know the location of that item, and you're trying to find it and if you use that spell then it will come to you too. Now whether that certain item is used for nefarious purposes or not depends on the user, but it still works. Although, why didn't Voldemort use that spell when trying to find the Elder Wand. Anyways, it's a very helpful spell and it is certainly good enough to make the four spot.

3. Expecto Patronum
Film Appearances: Prisoner of Azkaban and Onward

One of the more famous spells in the Harry Potter catalogue is the Patronus charm. Its primary usage is to defend against the Azkaban guards called Dementors. Now in order to make a Patronus work is that the user needs to think of a happy memory. Scratch that. Not just a happy memory. You need to think of a moment in your life where you feel exceedingly great joy. Patronus charms can also take the forms of different animals. I don't know how different people get their animal, I think it depends on your personality. I don't know. It'll come to me soon. Anyways it turns out to be very useful. It knocks out any Dementor in sight and is very effective. It doesn't get a two or one spot, because it only works on Dementors.

2. Stupefy
Film Appearances: Goblet of Fire and Onward

Harry Potter himself said that "Stunning is one of the most useful spells in a wizards arsenal. It's sort of a wizard's bread and butter." I completely agree. Otherwise the Stupefying spell wouldn't be at the runner up spot. It's effectively used in the books and the films, but the films are what we're talking about so I'll stick to that. When cast, the person is immediately stunned and frozen. I don't know how long or if they use a spell to stop that, but that's what makes it even more effective. You don't know if there's a spell that fixes it. Although, I'm sure there is a such spell, if not then potion. This spell may be good, but if the number one spell is Harry's go-to spell than it deserves that spot.

1. Expelliarmus
Film Appearances: Chamber of Secrets and Onward

This spell is the best spell in the Harry Potter films. Again, if there is a spell that acts as Harry Potter's go-to spell than it must be something special and it is. The spell in question forces your opponent to disarm himself or herself leaving them defenseless. This is Harry's main protection against Voldemort's signature killing curse, and it's proven itself very effective. It is the spell that ended Voldemort so naturally it takes the top spot. It's the spell to end all spells so with that let's close up this post.

So that's my list of my top ten favorite Harry Potter spells there are. What are your ten favorite spells? That's really what matters. Write that list in the comments section below. I apologize if you did not like the length of the post, but you know what they say about something being short yet sweet so there you go. I'd also be curious if you guys have requests of your own that you'd like to see be done. Speaking of requests, this post was a request so thank you Tyler for the idea. Thanks for reading, I'm the film fanatic, bye-bye.


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