Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Trailer #2 REACTION

It's here. Disney's probably last trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. I am concerned about this film a bit. Mainly, because it's a prequel, and considering the fact that the prequels that Lucas did from 1999 to 2005 sucked, then I'm worried that this may be the level of quality that the Prequels were. This film has gone through much. It had to take some reshoots. They cut a large part of the film to do that so I'm wondering how this'll turn out. This will be the first Star Wars film to not be composed by John Williams, instead Michael Giacchino is composing the score. The heads at Disney and Lucasfilm have been pitching this as a Star Wars WAR movie, and so far I haven't seen anything that has given me that feeling. Any action we've seen, has been seen in the other seven films, so I'm hoping they give us that feeling. Another thing I want to see and hear is DARTH VADER. As you can see he's in the new poster that came out yesterday, so I'm wonder how much, if at all, he will be featured in this trailer. I'm super psyched for this, yet worried at the same time, so let's see which way this trailer makes me feel about this film. I am going to watch the trailer now. Here's the trailer link.

Ok. I'm frustrated and excited about this trailer. Frustrated, because we only saw Darth Vader twice, and he didn't speak. He didn't speak. C'mon Disney and Lucasfilm. Give us a taste of that sweet James Earl Jones voice. We only saw him twice, though. One he was being talked to by Ben Mendlesohn's bad guy, and another time walking towards his character soaked it seems. I'm excited though, because it gave us a little taste of that WAR movie Disney has pitched, but again it doesn't seem like something we haven't seen before. Also, they brought back the chicken walkers. Not the huge AT-AT's, but the smaller chicken like ones. Also they revealed that Felicity Jone's character, Jyn Erso, has a father, played by Mads Mikkelsen, who is responsible for building the Death Star, so now it makes sense that the Rebellion would reach out to her and talk to her. I also love good X-Wing action, and this may have the best space battle of the entire franchise. It's a bit predictable though, because we know they're gonna succeed at getting the plans, but fail at destroying the Death Star. Which begs the question, if we'll see Leia in the film at all. Maybe Luke. I don't know, but this is looking great so I'm excited to see this film, when it comes out December 16th, 2016.


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