Pirates Of The Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales Trailer REACTION

Well. I hope this works. They're making a new Pirates movie. It's called Dead Men Tell No Tales. Ooh exciting. I loved the first one along to some extent second and third. However the fourth, I thought was okay, but I had problems with it though. Still I'm excited about this fifth adventure and I wonder how this film will turn out. Orlando Bloom will return as Will Turner, which is fine, I'd rather him return then Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Swan or Turner now, because they were married last time we saw them. Javier Bardem, who played the villain in Skyfall, plays our villain for the film and I'm excited to see if he's good. So I'm gonna watch the trailer here and you do the same and then read my after trailer review.

Well that was short. We saw very little, but there were some things I did like. We saw the villain the villain. He reminds me of Davy Jones a bit. Also side note. He reminds me of his villain character in Skyfall, when he took off his fake teeth to reveal his disfigured jaw. His henchman reminded me of Davy Jone's henchman where they too had the ability to walk through solid objects. Although they look like men made of china and got smashed up a bit. I wonder why the villain, whose name is Captain Salazar, has goop coming out of his mouth and would he say "please?" Maybe he's trying to add a level of creepy to the character, but I wonder why. Also, we saw not Jack Sparrow or Will Turner in this trailer. Maybe because Johnny Depp's unfortunate accident whilst filming on set, but I thought we'd see a bit of Depp's character or Orlando Blooms  Will Turner considering they're such fan favorites. I wonder who the guy Salazar is. Maybe he's Will's son? Who knows. Guess we'll find out on May 26, 2017. Hope it can break the Memorial Day Disney release curse after Prince of Persia, Tommorowland, and this years Alice Through The Looking Glass all flopped critically and financially. I also hope that critics will come around on this franchise. Not since the very first one have the Pirates films gotten overall good reviews. Judging by Rotten Tomatoes scores the franchise started strong with 79%, but then it went downhill to 54, 45, and Pirates 4 got a 32%. So I hope this one will get things back to the way they were before. However Pirates 2 and 4 did make over 1 billion at the box office so it's likely this one will, assuming people see it. So that's my review of the Dead Men Tell No Tales teaser. What did you think of it? Are you excited, or are you like me and are you skeptical? Write those thoughts in the comments below. I also would like to hear what you think of this new idea of mine. I plan on doing more of these in the future. If you have a trailer you want me to review then share that idea in the comments too. I plan on doing the same for the upcoming Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 trailer that's rumored to be coming this month. You know so it can play in front of Doctor Strange. I'm the film fanatic, bye-bye.


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